Prepare For Repair:
The Circular Economy
Part 5 of 5 of our most important insights for spare parts Web shops

We are not environmental experts, but in our meetings with clients we have had interesting discussions on the future role of spare parts.
Both in the short and long term, environmental issues will and already have an increasing impact on the way we design, produce and use our products.
In the phone, tablet and computer industry, ‘refurbished’ products have established themselves alongside new products. Heating boilers and other heating systems are nowadays being leased instead of sold, where the manufacturers have everything to gain from keeping a product ‘alive’ as long as possible.
Extending product life cycles
So for manufacturers, the future focus will be on extending product life cycles with the lowest carbon footprint. Reuse and repair have an important role in the circular economy and will undoubtedly change business for spare part suppliers. Spare parts might be the new ‘raw materials’ we need to assemble products.
What does this all mean for you company? It might be wise to
start thinking about a (long term) strategy. Is it a threat to your
current business model or a huge opportunity for the future?
In any case: we just feel you should ‘prepare for repair’.